January marks National Human Trafficking Prevention Awareness Month. For some time, we have worked with Epik Project, an organization dear to our hearts for more than one reason.
Tomas Perez, older brother and role model of ATP Restoration’s Christopher Perez, founded Epik Project in 2012 with one goal: “learning how to use the right tools to build a better story of belonging.” His involvement in anti-trafficking, however, began in 2010, when he noticed a troubling gap in male participation in efforts to combat demand-driven sex trafficking. Tomas envisioned creating meaningful opportunities for men to engage in the fight against human trafficking.
“Belonging is our most fundamental human need. If we do not understand how it works, we damage ourselves and those around us in our struggle to meet that need. Epik Project seeks to heal the hurt and the hurting by sharing our stories in authentic community. We call this Telling A Better Manstory.”
Epik Project focuses its efforts on putting an end to human trafficking by disrupting the demand for commercial sexual exploitation, dismantling the forces that perpetuate it, and nurturing a generation of generative men. Their mission is carried out through several avenues:
Engaging Men in Authentic Communities: Epik Project addresses the root causes of demand by fostering genuine connections and conversations among men about modern masculinity and its challenges.
Disrupting Exploitation at the Source: Male volunteers are equipped to interact directly with potential sex buyers, effectively reducing instances of exploitation.
Supporting Survivors: The organization provides financial aid, advocacy, and emergency assistance to survivors and survivor-led organizations.
Teen Prevention Work: Epik's program "My Friends Are Not For Sale" aims its efforts to prevent teens from being targeted, groomed, and exploited.
Since its inception, Epik Project has disrupted hundreds of thousands of phone calls related to commercial sexual exploitation, significantly impacting the landscape of trafficking. In doing so, they have also transformed the lives of countless men, empowering them to be part of the solution at the point of sale and beyond.
We at ATP Restoration are proud to support Epik Project as it continues its vital work of “Telling A Better Manstory” and creating a world free from exploitation.
To learn more about Epik Project, visit https://www.epikproject.org/